What's on the Menu
Friday Night Fish Fry @ 5:00pm
Saturday - -Chicken & Ribs Plate @5:00pm
Serving Breakfast Saturday and Sunday morning
We will also have cheeseburgers, hamburgers, hot dogs and soups available for purchase.
Refreshments from the Bar
Canned Beer & Wine Coolers $2.00, Soda & Bottled Water $1.00, Coffee
Silver Creek Art Festival -Saturday from 12:00pm - 6:00pm.
This festival will be held on the adjacent property to the SilverCreek Bluegrass festival. If you are an arts and crafts enthusiast, we encourage you to stroll through the vendor tents. There will be many different and intresting items to purchase. Looking for more vendors, please contact DianeSteffen at silvercreekartfest@gmail.com
Pinata Challenge - Saturday 4:30pm - SiverCreek Bluegrass Grounds. This event is for children ages 4 - 10.